Monday, December 26, 2005

Identity Theft is a Myth!!

With all the recent stories regarding identity theft over the past 10 years, I've noticed a lot of credit card companies are beginning to press really hard for members to sign up for prevention. There is a slight monthly fee involved, but overall it seems like many people are taking an interest in this.

Last week, I called my credit card company to activate a new card and the operator on the other end told me the whole speech that management must be pushing all operators to talk about. I said "No Thanks" but the operator's response to me was that she understood my reasons but then told me why I was wrong. After telling me she understood why I wouldn't want to pay the fees she then repeated her entire speech all over and after the second time did not even give me a choice in the matter. She then told me she would set me up with identity theft prevention and I insisted that I did not want it.

If credit card companies are pushing this hard for something, I think its pretty damn obvious that identity theft is a myth. Since when do multi billion dollar corporations care so much about me? I know there are stories in the news, but what are the odds of this happening to anybody? Arent credit card companies required to pay the money charged on stolen cards anyways? So, I challenge you all to look into real cases of identity theft and let me know if it's really an issue at all, but I'll remain skeptic until I see some proof.


Blogger slathering said...

The fear of identity theft is brought on by peoples lack of understanding about technology. Consider the following...which is more risky?

1> Submitting your CC number to a website that uses end to end encryption.

2> Going to a restaurant and letting the waiter carry your charge card away for 10 minutes?

People are stupid.

The credit card companies are trying to screw you. They are liable for charges to stolen cards and they're trying to make up their losses in that regard by selling you "protection".

4:49 PM, December 26, 2005  

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