Thursday, December 29, 2005

Stupidity is Everywhere!!

Stupid people are beginning to multiply in our high tech society. With the increasing numbers of cell phone and computer users, human contact seems to a thing of the past. Chat rooms or sites such as hot or which allow people to get to know one another seem to setting us all up for a major let down. These chat rooms are superficial. Instead of becoming engaged in conversation first, we check out the person's photograph first before deciding if he/she is worth our attention. I'm guilty of this myself, but I'm at least honest when I'm chatting with strangers. If I give out my AIM screenname or my telephone, I give it out hoping the other person take's advantage of it. It's strange that with the increasing cell phones in use today, as well as the gift of unlimited minutes that people don't make phone calls more often.

Okay, now i'm going to move from the third person to a first person perspective. I can't tell you how many people refuse to pick up the phone and say hello. Especially those who say things like "well, I called you last" or "I forgot about calling you because I was busy" make it perfectly obvious that they aren't interested in any kind of friendship. Those who pretend to be interested but then shy away from keeping the lines of communication open are what I call hopeless. As hopeless as the republican's stronghold on the paper industry. Well, here's a suggestion to those who complain about not having any friends. It's up to you to make an effort and pick up the phone. It shows real interest in the other person, which makes the friendship grow instead of slip away.

This has been another rant of Ken! Thank you and goodnight.


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